Why Us - Don Richards - Chartered Accountants - Strathpine Queensland


Don Richards Accounting Practice Strathpine

Don Richards Chartered Accountants - Strathpine Queensland

Why Us - Don Richards CA


Don Richards - Chartered Accountants

The team at Don Richards keep themselves and their clients up to date through formal training, their extensive experience and involvement in the business community. As Chartered accountants we are required to undertake a minimum level of professional development each year. Courses are generally selected on relevance and changes that are constantly taking place.

We also run free information sessions for clients and their business associates at regular intervals. These sessions give clients a good opportunity to ask questions in a friendly relaxed environment.

Formal seminars are programmed throught-out the year The topic of each seminar will be published on this site. You can book by emailing us.

We have developed a solid working relationship with the Tax Office which can be very useful if you have sensitive issues relating to tax matters.

Because we cannot specialise in every area we now have in place a strong referral network allowing our clients to receive the best advice in every aspect of their business. For example we are not investment advisors and therefore we cannot advise you on particular investments. Similarly we are not insurance agents, solicitors or a personal fitness trainer. But we can advise you on your business fitness, the tax consequences of investment purchases and sales, give you advice on complex taxation issues and assist in many IT matters.


Don Richards Chartered Accountants provides a select range of services designed not just to do compliance work but to add value to a client's business:

       Audit and Assurance

       Taxation and Tax Consultancy

      Business Services and Corporate Advisory


Practice Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.